bellicon® JUMPING meets Shadowboxer
A Shadowboxer belt is required for the workshop. If this is not yet available, the workshop can be booked including the belt. The online workshop bellicon® JUMPING meets Shadowboxer is aimed at all trainers who have completed bellicon® JUMPING or comparable training and enables them to combine the Shadowboxer training tool with the bellicon® trampoline as an innovative workout.
Instructor: Julia v.K.
Duration: 11 video modules with 3 hours of video material and a LIVE webinar of 3 hours each
Requirements: Completed bellicon® JUMPING or comparable training
Goal: bellicon® JUMPING meets Shadowboxer Trainer

Invoice address

Proof of passing the exam*

After completing this education, you will receive a certificate. You can download it in your profile or have it sent to you by post.


Price: incl. VAT
* Required fields